Letter X

xv-doc - Manuals in various formats for the xv image viewer

Website: https://github.com/jasper-software/xv
License: Shareware
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Manuals in various formats for the xv image viewer, plus technical details
of the various image file formats supported.


xv-doc-6.0.2-1.fc42.noarch [2.0 MiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2024-10-15):
- Update to 6.0.2
  - Added -isize option to control the icon size in the browser: the syntax is
    -isize <width> or -isize <width>x<height>
    If the height is omitted, it defaults to the width * 3/4
  - xv now checks the XV_OPTIONS environment variable before reading the
    command line; xv splits it into words and parses it like command line
    Use XV_OPTIONS to set default options

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