SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 in C This code implements the new versions of the US NIST Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) in C. The code is primarily designed to offer SHA256 but SHA384 and SHA512 are also supported. SHA256 employs only operations using 32-bit words and will hence be efficient on Pentium family processors. But SHA384 and SHA512 both use variables that are 64-bits long and will hence be slower on 32-bit machines. The SHA256 interface is as follows (the SHA384 and SHA512 API's are similar): typedef struct /* type to hold the SHA256 context */ { uint32_t count[2]; uint32_t hash[8]; uint32_t wdat[16]; } sha256_ctx; void sha256_begin(sha256_ctx ctx[1]); void sha256_hash(const unsigned char data[], unsigned long len, sha256_ctx ctx[1]); void sha256_end(unsigned char hval[], sha256_ctx ctx[1]); The first call initialises a hash computation, the second adds data to the hash and the third call returns the final digest value as an array of bytes. The performance of this code on a 1.2GHz PIII processor is as follows for a hash of 100,000,000 characters: Code SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 ANSI C 4.7 sec 6.1 sec 6.1 sec Microsoft Visual C 3.5 sec 5.8 sec 5.9 sec Here are the files for the implementation: sha2.h the header file sha2.c the C source code uitypes.h a header file that defines fixed width unsigned integer types test.c a C test file Please ensure that you set the platform byte order before compiling this code. This code thanks to Brian Gladman: