Laurent Constantin's network toolbox (netwox) ---------------------------------------------- | NETWOX 's CHANGELOG | ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.36.0 - 01-Nov-2008 ++ fixed bugs ++ - In netwox_httphdr_host(), a ':' was missing between the host and the port number, so the Host header was set with "www.s.dom8080" instead of "www.s.dom:8080". - Installation directories were not created with mode 0755, so if root has a strict umask, users could not read the files in the directories. ++ minor evolutions ++ - The 'Q' parameter in tool 7 can be used to lose privileges after the snif device has been open. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.35.0 - 05-Oct-2006 ++ fixed bugs ++ - Some whois servers wants the query and the newline to be sent in the same TCP packet. ++ major evolutions ++ - In the webspider, the local url algorithm was rewritten. Files are now stored in directories whose name are not related to real url path. This suppress limitations such as maxsegmentlen and maxtotallen. This also optimizes the number of files in directories. New mimetypes, mimetypeswarn and deletedextensions parameters are available (run "netwox 137 file" for help on these parameters). - Parameters of webspider tools 211 and 212 changed. These tools associate urls and their local downloaded filenames. - New tool 222 to suppress local urls/uris in a HTML file. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Partial usage of NETWIB_BUF_FLAGS_SENSITIVE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.34.0 - 05-Apr-2006 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.33.0 - 20-December-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Implementation of MD2, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 cryptographic hash functions. - Tool 219: compute cryptographic hash of a file (md5, sha, etc.) - Tool 220 and 221: encode and decode a base64 file. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tool 218: run internal test suite (for netwox developers). - In tool 22, add support for other cryptographic hash functions. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Modules are moved in sub-directories. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.32.0 - 24-November-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ - Tool 19 : range check was incorrect. - Function netwox_mime_hdrencode() did not correctly encode some characters. This function is used in mail and nntp clients. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 217 is a SMB/CIFS server. Microsoft Windows and Samba clients can be used to connect to this server. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Improvements in smb modules in order to support Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, Samba 2/3. Note: I don't have access to a Windows 2003 computer, so I can't check it works. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.31.0 - 12-October-2005 ++ netwox is back ++ After several months netwib, netwox and netwag projects are back. For those interested, the new version of my professional project is now online. It's a vulnerability survey named Vigil@nce ( and conceived towards enterprises or agencies. As for netw*, please talk about it with your co-workers or friends in other enterprises. Supporting Vigil@nce is an indirect way to support netw*. ++ fixed bugs ++ - In SMB clients, --netbiosname parameter had a bad default value. User needed to always set the value to overwrite this bad default. - In SMB clients, do not use Unicode/NTerror before it has been negotiated. - In web spider, do not try to convert special attributes, such as object classid="special", to uris. - Traceroute tools displayed an error after sending last hop packet. Thanks to Marc Turpin for reporting the problem. ++ major evolutions ++ - In tcp/udp performance tools, display better error messages. For udp, the number of packets sent/received is also displayed. ++ minor evolutions ++ - In web spider, a new option displays the current number of downloaded files over the total number to download (loglevel 5). - Detail description of tree top entries. ++ work in progress ++ - Tool 217 is a SMB server. It contains known bugs, so it has to be considered as EXPERIMENTAL. I plan to gradually improve it in next versions. It supports only one share. It can be used to download or upload files or directories. It does not support locking, so files cannot be edited live. Currently, it should work with most Windows NT and Windows 2000 clients. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.30.0 - 30-March-2005 ++ important ++ Netw project is still paused. ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - When compiling netwox on a 64 bit processor, there were 3 warnings. ++ thanks ++ - Bartosz Fenski (aka fEnIo) maintains a Debian package at --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.29.0 - 21-February-2005 ++ important ++ As some of you noticed, netw project paused since January 1st. This is due to my professional/enterprise project where I have to do a lot of private work. It should end on september, so I expect to be back on netw on october. In the meantime, bugs will be corrected, but no major tool is expected. Note: don't worry, my boss is not forcing me to work on WE, but I want this project to take a giant step :-) ++ fixed bugs ++ - In tool 210, a variable was not initialized. Tool did not work. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 213 : Display a list of IP addresses - Tool 214 and 215 : Traceroute discovery. This tool draws a graph of remote network. For example : netwox 214 --ips --tcpports "25,80" \ --udpports "1,53" --icmp --resolve --verbose - Tool 216 : beep ++ minor evolutions ++ - In uris found in HTML files, the leading and ending spaces, tabulations and newlines are ignored (not in specification, but behave like other browsers). - Most tools had a default timeout of 10 seconds. This was too small for loaded networks. User had to increase timeout on command line. Now it is 60 seconds. - A new bash script library permits to launch several tools simultaneously. It is in directory netwox-src/misc/launcher/. For example, when there is a list of 250 hosts to test, user creates a loop to run a tool on each IP address. However, when a host is down, a timeout occurs only after several seconds, and slows down all the tests. The launch library contains bash functions to run, for example, up to 5 simultaneous commands. It permits to shorter total test time. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.28.0 - 05-January-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ - In tool 21, if --disp-decimal was set, binary was also displayed. - SMB share enumeration packet was not decoded if available shares was less than announced. - Function netwox_md_update caused a segmentation fault if it was previously called with data of size%64 != 0. - In uri canonization, only convert '+' to space in query part. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 210 : web spider limited to requested directory. - Tool 211 : convert a web spidered filename to its url. - Tool 212 : indicates where web spider stored an url. ++ minor evolutions ++ - SMB tools have a new parameter --verbose to display simple messages. It also decodes most common error codes. - Traceroute tools have a new parameter --resolve to resolve hostnames. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Web spider improvements (faster and less restrictive) in md5 filenames storage. - Due to changes in netwib sys/path, some functions were rewritten. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.27.0 - 30-November-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ Implementation of SMB/CIFS protocol. This protocol is used for file and printer sharing under Windows. Netwox's implementation only supports file sharing. Currently, only clients are provided : tool 198: list shares tool 199: create a directory tool 200: delete a directory tool 201: rename a directory tool 202: list contents of a directory tool 203: delete a file tool 204: rename a file tool 205: get a file tool 206: put a file tool 207: recursively get a directory tool 208: recursively put a directory tool 209: recursively delete a directory Server is expected for version 5.28.0 of netwox. Note: This protocol is very big, which explains why netwox only had a few changes since 27th of september. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version ++ port ++ Juan Manuel Palacios (jmpp at opendarwin dot org) packaged the Mac OS X centric DarwinPorts Portfiles for netwib, netwox and netwag ( Portfiles can be retrieved by CVS, and will be available soon at : --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.26.0 - 25-October-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ - If url contains a fragment (http://server/#frag), it has to be suppressed (http://server/) to download the file. This worked with Apache, but IIS replied with a 400 error code. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tool 185 can be used like a load balancer. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version ++ documentation There are no big changes in this version. So, you can take time to read documentation. File netwox-doc_html/html/examples.html is the most important to read. You can also install and try netwag. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.25.0 - 27-September-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 196 and 197: whois clients. - Support for MD4 checksum in tool 22. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.24.0 - 12-September-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ - Memory leak in netwox_ftpclient_dir_ls when data session could not be established. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 191: English/French/Spanish password generator. - Tools 193..195: IDENT clients and server. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tool 45 (IPv4 LSRR option) supports several addresses. Tool 192 is equivalent, but for SSRR. - Support for passive FTP in web retrieval tools. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.23.0 - 30-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 180: SNTP/NTP client displaying date/time. - Tool 181: SNTP/NTP server providing a central time to clients. - Tool 182: obtain the size of a web file. - Tool 183-5: TCP/UDP relays. - Tool 186: sleep for less than one second. - Tool 187: display date and time. - Tool 188: SYSLOG server - Tool 189: SMTP server logging commands and data. - Tool 190: A commonly requested feature. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Searching description led to a lot of false positives. Now, search is only done in title and synonyms. - Traceroute tools have a new parameter --min-ttl to set starting TTL. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version ++ note ++ - Some tools require root privileges (for example capturing packets with tool 7). A bug occurring with root privileges can compromise the system. In order to protect system, programs generally separate privileges in two distinct process (or loose privileges if they are not needed anymore). This kind of architecture is too complicated to implement for simple tools such as netwox ones. If this worries you, netwox or netwag can be run in chroot jails. You can create your own jail, or take ideas from script misc/unix/chroot/ (Linux). As a final note, tcpdump, Ethereal, nmap, etc are not separating privileges. So, they can also be added in the same jail. Another solution is to use capabilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.22.0 - 15-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Each tool have a detailed description. To see it, run "netwox number --help2" (for example "netwox 1 --help2"). This description is also available in netwox-doc_html. If you encounter any error, or have some comments to add, please contact me. - Search feature (run "netwox", then press 3 key) improved to find more easily unknown tools. Search is done in title, description and synonyms (for example, searching for "capture" retrieves all tools containing "sniff"). Moreover, if a word is not found, its root is searched (for example searching "spoofing" retrieves all tools containing "spoof"). If you think a word is missing in a synonym list, please send me a mail. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - genemake supports compiler options. Read doc/installspecial.txt for instructions for packages creation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.21.0 - 1-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Implementation of DHCP protocol. - Tool 171: DHCP client obtaining an IP address. - Implementation of NNTP authentication. - Tool 172: List articles range of a newsgroup. - Tool 173: Download overview of one, or more, newsgroup messages. - Tool 174: Download a FTP file and check its MD5. - Tool 175: Download a HTTP file and check its MD5. - Tool 176: Download a TFTP file and check its MD5. - Tool 177: Check if a SMTP server is up. - Tool 178: Check if an IRC server is up. - Tool 179: DHCP client requesting an INFORM. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Improvements in NNTP tools. - Reorganization of tool tree. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - XPM icons are available under src/compil/unix/ico directory. They permit to create nice menus. They are not used during installation process, but can be configured by hand depending on window manager (Gnome, KDE, fvwm, etc.). Package maintainers can also use them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.20.0 - 18-July-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Netwox returns 1 on error, and 0 otherwise. - Tool 169 : display a simplified network configuration. - Tool 170 : simple telnet server. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.19.0 - 5-July-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ - In web spider, normalize url requested by user. This ensure it is not duplicated. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 168: FTP server. This is a basic implementation. It does not support multiuser, so if run as administrator file access is done with high privileges. This server can be run with user privileges by specifying an alternative port (instead of default 21): "netwox 168 -P 1234 --login bob --password mypass". In this case, ftp client has to specify the port. For example in Mozilla: "ftp://server:1234/". ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tools 125 and 126 (web servers) have one more parameter to limit clients allowed to connect. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Support of 64 bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.18.0 - 1-June-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Program netwox518.exe has toolbox icon. - File netw-ib-ox-ag-5.x.y.tgz permits to easily install netwox and netwag under Unix or Windows. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.17.0 - 24-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tools spoofing one packet (32 to 41 and 140 to 147) can create invalid packets (bad totlen, checksums, etc.). - Help mode now permits to run a tool. It is still less easy to use than netwag. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Support of multiclient virtual TCP server. This implementation is not multithread, but it works. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.16.0 - 10-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - In function netwox_path_root_jail, a variable was not initialized when root directory was unset. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Ethernet addresses are automatically obtained from IP addresses when they start with '@'. For example "netwox 4 @" obtains Ethernet address of (ie 0:1:2:3:4:5) and runs "netwox 4 0:1:2:3:4:5". - Tools needing a password as parameter can use --kbd-parametername to set it without screen echo. For example "netwox 127 --kbd-password -i file1 -o file2" or "netwox 127 --kbd-p -i file1 -o file2". - Under unix shell, '?' char is expanded to match one character. So, "netwox 3 --?" did not work if a file named "--a" was present in current directory. This is very rare to have a file starting with '-', but it could bother users. This feature is still available, but it is no more displayed in help. - Tool 26 can now dump a file using several encode types. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.15.0 - 21-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Files in netwox-5.14.0-bin_windows were generated using version 5.13.0 of netwib. A methodology change was made to ensure this stupid mistake will not happen again. Thanks to Suresh Ravindran for reporting this bug. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - In tool 134, user can specify which kind of uris to display. - Help can be obtained with "netwox number -?", "netwox number ?" or "netwox number --?" Instead of using "netwox number --help". Using "-??", "??" or "--??" is equivalent to "--help2". ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Partial rewrite of url canonization functions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.14.0 - 14-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - In web spider, variable proxyhost didn't activate the proxy. - In tool 160 asn1oid wasn't initialized, so it crashed. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Creation of toolbox logo (visible in banners on website). - Web spider now ignores common extensions when retrieving new url to download. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Usage of new netwib_array structure. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.13.0 - 05-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Due to a bug in netwib (thread memory management) tools 91 (tcp echo), 93 (backdoor server), 125 (web server) and 126 (http backdoor) behaved strangely under load. - Memory leak in tool 93 (backdoor server). ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tools needing an IPv6 address now retrieve the IPv6 address of the computer. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.12.0 - 30-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Potential bus error on strict aligned processors (Sparc, IA64, Alpha, etc.) in netwox_asn1data, netwox_asn1oid, netwox_asn1tag and netwox_snmpvbl structures. I say "potential" because the bug cannot cause a bus error (memory alignment problem) even if it's here. This is due to netwib_buf_init_malloc() which returns aligned memory. We are lucky ;) ++ major evolutions ++ - TFTP protocol implementation - Tool 165 : TFTP get - Tool 166 : TFTP put - Tool 167 : TFTP server ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Suppress compilation errors on some Mac OS versions. This is due to ranlib refusing the special archive we used to create. Thanks to Stef for reporting this error. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.11.0 - 22-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Implementation of SNMP version 1, 2c and 3. - Tools 159 to 164: SNMP get, walk, trap, trap2, inform, set. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Parameter errors now include the long variable name. For example "Option '-f|--file' is required". - Suppress path in email and news attachments. Thanks to Christophe Delahaye for notifying. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.10.0 - 3-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Some long parameters for tools 135, 152, 153 and 154 were duplicated. ++ major evolutions ++ - Implementation of ASN.1 protocol. - Tool 155 to 158 : network performance measurement. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Implementation of TCP retransmit timeout and SYN retransmit in the virtual TCP socket. - Timeout parameter for FTP, SMTP and NNTP tools. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Modules and tools Makefiles now only use one ar command. This is faster, but might cause problems on old systems ("command line too long"). If you encounter a such system, please contact me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.9.0 - 16-Feb-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - The virtual TCP socket did not respect the window parameter. When using a lot of data, the synchronization was lost. ++ major evolutions ++ - Module irc and ircses implementing IRC protocol. - Tool 152 : interactive IRC client - Tool 153 : IRC client listing channels - Tool 154 : IRC client listening on a channel - Tool help is now separated in two : common parameters (--help) and advanced parameters (--help2). Most users only need common parameters. So, it's easier to find the parameter to set. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tool 93 (backdoor server) now have limitations : allowed commands and root directory. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.8.0 - 2-Feb-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Some tools returned an error in pcap_compile. It occurred in versions of libpcap < 0.6. ++ major evolutions ++ - MacOS is now supported. - NetBSD-current is now supported. - HP-UX is now supported. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Under Windows, project can be compiled with Dev-C++/Mingw32. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.7.0 - 22-Jan-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - In ftpctl module, function netwox_ftpctl_dir_ls crashed if directory listing contained an unrecognized line. - If an HTML file had an url containing an unrecognized entity, function netwox_htmlfile_urllist_file_read ignored it. ++ major evolutions ++ - All sniffing and spoofing tools now support IPv6. ++ minor evolutions ++ - In the webspider, a new parameter (maxtotallen) defines the maximum pathname length. When this limit is reached, files are saved in a md5 root directory. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Support for new structures and functions of netwib. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.6.0 - 14-Dec-2003 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Function netwox_xor_gene_key worked only if keysize was greater than 1024. - In tcp virtual socket clients, session was not correctly closed when client initiated the close : the server was still in LASTACK state. - In tools 112, 113, 115 and 116 (FTP transfer), the mode was not explicitly set to binary. ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 127 : cypher/decypher a file using an xor - Tool 128 and 129 : split and reassemble a big file - Tool 130 : FTP brute force - Tool 131 and 132 : HTTP brute force (server and proxy) - Tool 133 : canonize an URL - Tool 134 : obtain a list of URL from a file - Tool 135 : convert urls in a HMTL file to absolute urls - Tool 136 : web download (http://... or ftp://...) - Tool 137,138 and 139 : web spider ++ minor evolutions ++ - Parameter description when using --help is now easier to understand. - Tools now accept parameter --kbd-name which ask for argument --name from keyboard. - Improvements in error dealing in tool 101 : telnet brute force. - Support for IPv6 addresses in URLs. - HTTP proxy supports FTP URLs. - IPv6 support in FTP. - In HTML documentation examples.html, creation of a paragraph explaining how to use Tcl language to create scripts under Windows. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Optimizations in SMTP, NNTP and FTP protocol implementations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.0 - 11-Nov-2003 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Tools 111 to 117 had user and password defined as device buffer. They worked, but netwag's form displayed bad fields. - Memory leak in tool 93 (TCP backdoor server). ++ major evolutions ++ - Creation of modules url, http* to implement HTTP protocol. - Tool 118 to 124 : http clients - Tool 125 : web server - Tool 126 : backdoor web server ++ minor evolutions ++ - Creation of module dnscache to optimize host and IP resolution. - Creation of module txthdr to deal with text headers such as those used in SMTP or HTTP protocols. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Improvements in genemake file to support a more generic installation. Thanks to Olivier Thauvin. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.4.0 - 28-Oct-2003 ++ bugs fixed ++ - In virtual socket tools, if user specified a device, it was appended twice (eth0 -> eth0eth0). A "not found" error then occurred. ++ major evolutions ++ - Modules smtp, mail, mime, mailex implementing SMTP protocol. - Tool 106 : send an email - Module nntp implementing NNTP protocol. - Tool 107 : post a newsgroup message - Tool 108 : list groups of a newsgroup server - Tool 109 : download newsgroups messages - Tool 110 : Ethernet bridge limiting flow - Modules ftp and ftpctl implementing FTP protocol. - Tool 111 to 117 : ftp clients ++ minor evolutions ++ - Error message displayed when first parameter wasn't a number was not easy to understand. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.0 - 19-Oct-2003 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Module snispo creating an io for sniffing and spoofing. - Modules dns* implementing DNS protocol - Tool 102 : query a DNS server (like dig or nslookup) - Tool 103 : obtain version of a Bind server - Tool 104 : simple dns server - Tool 105 : sniff and spoof DNS answers ++ minor evolutions ++ - Update of netwox-doc_html to reflect branch 5. - Tools 65 to 72 (scanning tools) have parameter "-n" to specify the number of simultaneous request to send. Please note if this value is too big, unexpected timeout will appear on slow networks (on a 10Mb LAN, the max seems to be around 130). By default, 20 simultaneous requests are sent. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.0 - 05-Oct-2003 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool 97 : send a SYSLOG message - Tool 98 : flood a host with syslog messages - Creation of module telnet implementing telnet protocol - Tool 99 : interactive telnet client - Creation of module expect to "expect" data coming from an io - Creation of module telnetses to deal with a telnet session - Tool 100 : execution of a telnet command - Creation of module brute to automatize brute force attacks - Tool 101 : telnet brute force ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Partial rewrite of module sock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.0 - 23-Sep-2003 This version is a full rewrite. Everything changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.0 This version does not exists.