adwaita-dark is a dark color scheme that aims to replicate the appearance and colors of GTK4 "libadwaita" applications. Features offered: * Beautiful dark color scheme inspired by Adwaita * Automatic 256-color mode support * Custom fringe bitmaps for line continuations, visual-line-mode, diff-hl, flycheck, and flymake * Custom configuration for neotree * Lightweight with no dependencies To replace default line continuation/line wrap fringe bitmaps: (adwaita-dark-theme-arrow-fringe-bmp-enable) To enable custom configuration for `neotree': (eval-after-load 'neotree #'adwaita-dark-theme-neotree-configuration-enable) To enable custom fringe bitmaps for `diff-hl': (eval-after-load 'diff-hl #'adwaita-dark-theme-diff-hl-fringe-bmp-enable) To enable custom fringe bitmaps for `flycheck': (eval-after-load 'flycheck #'adwaita-dark-theme-flycheck-fringe-bmp-enable) To enable custom fringe bitmaps for `flymake': (eval-after-load 'flymake #'adwaita-dark-theme-flymake-fringe-bmp-enable)