EBDB records for MUA buffers can be displayed using Universal Sidecar. As of now, it only supports `message-mode', `gnus-article-mode' and `gnus-summary-mode' (patches welcome to support others, though I suspect it's just the major mode names that need set). To use this section, add `ebdb-mua-sidecar' to your `universal-sidecar-sections', and have `ebdb-mua-sidecar-insinuate' run somewhere in your init. The following options are available: - `:header' allows you to change the header of the section from the default "Addressees:". - `:updatep' (default 'existing), determines how records are updated (see also `ebdb-update-records'). - `:formatter' (default `ebdb-default-multiline-formatter') determines how records are formatted. This should be an instance of `ebdb-record-formatter'.