Eredis provides a programmatic API for accessing Redis (in-memory data structure store/database) using emacs lisp. Usage: Each redis connection creates a process and has an associated buffer which revieves data from the redis server (setq redis-p1 (eredis-connect "localhost" "6379")) (eredis-set "key" "value" redis-p1) "ok" (eredis-get "key" redis-p1) "value" Earlier versions of redis (pre 0.9) did not support multiple connections/processes. To preserve backwards compatibility you can omit the process argument from commands and an internal variable `eredis--current-process' will track the most recent connection to be used by default. You can close a connection like so. The process buffer can be closed seperately. (eredis-disconnect redis-p1) ; 0.9.6 Changes Fix install ; 0.9.5 Changes Bug fixes for org mode and missing keys ; 0.9.4 Changes eredis-reduce-from-matching-key-value eredis-each-matching-key-value ; 0.9.3 Changes Iteration and reductions over Redis strings eredis-reduce-from-key-value eredis-each-key-value Bug fixes Bugs around parsing and mget mset are fixed ; 0.9.2 Changes Fixed working with very slow responses, request timeout and retry ; 0.9 Changes Multiple connections to multiple redis servers supported Buffer is used for all output from the process (Redis) Github repo contains an ert test suite Fix for multibyte characters Support for LOLWUT (version 5.0 of Redis and later) ; Github contributors justinhj pidu crispy darksun lujun9972