`jack' provides the function `jack-html' that takes a data structure as input representing the HTML tree you want to render and render it as a string. For instance: (jack-html '(:section (:div (:p "foo")))) ;; "


" HTML attributes are specified in a list starting by the '@' sign (jack-html '(:div (@ :id "id" :class "class" :style "color:red;") "foo")) ;; "
" In the keyword defining the HTML tag you can use '/' to declare its 'id' and '.' to declare its classes like this: (jack-html '(:div/id.class-1.class-2 (@ :class "class-3" :style "color:red;") "foo")) ;; "
" Note that I would have prefered to use '#' for declaring the 'id' but it has to be escaped in keywords which is ugly. More in the docs either in directory 'docs' or at https://jack.tonyaldon.com.