The program provides methods to highlight and rename things in `js2-mode'. Its based on "js2r-highlights.el" by Mihai Bazon. See I clean the code to make this program only dependent on `js2-mode'. Usage, `js2hl-show-thing-at-point' to show things at point. Things are variable or it property, strings, numbers, names like "this" or "super". It uses parser of `js2-mode' to extract correct things. `js2hl-rename-thing-at-point' to rename things at point. `js2hl-add-namespace-to-thing-at-point' to prepend namespace to the thing. The separator of namespace is from `js2hl-namespace-separator'. `js2hl-show-exits' to show exit points from the function surrounding point. That is, `return' and `throw' statements. `js2hl-forget-it' to exit highlight mode. `js2hl-move-next' and `js2hl-move-prev' move between the highlights.