This package provides a fundamental Modelica mode. It covers: - show / hide of annotations C-c C-s show annotation of current statement C-c C-h hide annotation of current statement C-c M-s show all annotations C-c M-h hide all annotations - indentation of lines, e.g. TAB indent current line C-M-\ indent current region C-j indent current line, create a new line, indent it (like TAB ENTER TAB) - automatic insertion of end statements C-c C-e search backwards for the last unended begin of a code block, insert the according end-statement - move commands which know about statements and statement blocks M-e move to next beginning of a statement M-a move to previous beginning of a statement M-n move to next beginning of a statement block M-p move to previous beginning of a statement block C-M-a move to beginning of current statement block C-M-e move to end of current statement block - commands for writing comments treat documentation strings as well M-; insert a comment for current statement (standard Emacs) M-" insert a documentation string for current statement M-j continue comment or documentation string on next line - syntax highlighting using font-lock-mode Current limitations: - conditional expessions are only supported on right hand sides of equations; otherwise simple expressions are assumed Installation: (1) Put the file modelica-mode.el to an Emacs Lisp directory, e.g. ~/elisp (2) Add the following lines to your ~/.emacs file (add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp") (autoload 'modelica-mode "modelica-mode" "Modelica Editing Mode" t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mo\\'" . modelica-mode)) (3) Activate the mode by loading a file with the extension ".mo" or by invoking M-x modelica-mode (4) Optionally byte-compile the Lisp code (5) Please send comments and suggestions to Ruediger Franke