modern-fringes is meant to replace the default fringes with ones that are more visually pleasing. They are very simple to use, just enable the modern-fringes-mode minor mode. You are able to use customize to make the mode permanent, as well as change other aspects. It is a global minor mode and will affect all buffers. It is suggested to use the following function in your init file to use modern-fringes at intended. It matches the truncation arrow foreground color to the current main background color of your theme, making them appear transparent and less visually cluttering. (modern-fringes-invert-arrows) Depending on your theme, the function may make them look unappealing. In that case, you can edit the bitmap faces as you wish in your config. modern-fringes assumes the fringe width is 8 pixels wide, and the bitmaps will likely look strange if the width is any different. bitmap references mf-right-arrow 10000000 11000000 11100000 11110000 11111000 11111100 11111110 11111100 11111000 11110000 11100000 11000000 10000000 mf-left-arrow 00000001 00000011 00000111 00001111 00011111 00111111 01111111 00111111 00011111 00001111 00000111 00000011 00000001 mf-right-curly-arrow 1000000 0100000 0010000 0001000 1000100 1001000 1010000 1100000 1111100 mf-left-curly-arrow 000010 000100 001000 010000 100010 010010 001010 000110 111110 mf-right-debug-arrow 10000000 01000000 11100000 00010000 11111000 00000100 11111110 00000100 11111000 00010000 11100000 01000000 10000000 mf-left-debug-arrow 0000001 0000010 0000111 0001000 0011111 0100000 1111111 0100000 0011111 0001000 0000111 0000010 0000001