This package provides Org export functionality to generate HTML presentations with the presentation framework reveal.js. In conjunction with other packages (see comments on emacs-reveal below), this is an excellent approach to generate Open Educational Resources (OER). Quickstart: 0. Install reveal.js: 1. Activate org-re-reveal. (a) Place this directory into your load path or install it from MELPA ( (b) Load package manually ("M-x load-library" followed by "org-re-reveal") or place "(require 'org-re-reveal)" into your ~/.emacs and restart or customize org-export-backends by adding the symbol re-reveal. 2. Load an Org file and export it to HTML. (a) Make sure that reveal.js is available in your current directory (e.g., as sub-directory or symbolic link). (b) Load "" (coming with org-re-reveal). (c) Export to HTML: Press "C-c C-e v v" (write HTML file) or "C-c C-e v b" (write HTML file and open in browser) See "" for introduction, details, and features added to org-reveal: The Readme is also available as reveal.js presentation that is generated with org-re-reveal in a CI/CD infrastructure on GitLab: Note that emacs-reveal offers a project that embeds org-re-reveal, reveal.js, and various reveal.js plugins: Its howto, generated from Org source file with emacs-reveal: As a real-life example, maybe check out the OER presentations (HTML with audio, different PDF variants, references into bibliography, index terms, management of metadata including license information and attribution, Docker image for publication as GitLab Pages with CI/CD) for a course on Operating Systems: The package org-re-reveal grew out of a forked version of org-reveal when upstream development stopped: