Org-roam-bibtex, ORB for short, offers integration of Org-roam with BibTeX Emacs software: Org-ref, Helm/Ivy-bibtex and Citar. The main task of ORB is to seamlessly expose Org-roam as a note management solution to these packages, shadowing their native facilities for taking bibliographic notes. As its main feature, ORB enables expansion of BibTeX keywords in Org-roam templates. Main usage: Call interactively `org-roam-bibtex-mode' or call (org-roam-bibtex-mode +1) from Lisp. Enabling `org-roam-bitex-mode' sets appropriate functions for creating and retrieving Org-roam notes from Org-ref, Helm/Ivy-bibtex and Citar. Other commands: - `orb-insert-link': insert a link or citation to an Org-roam note that has an associated BibTeX entry - `orb-note-actions': call a dispatcher of useful note actions Soft dependencies: Org-ref, Citar, Helm, Ivy, Hydra, Projectile, Persp-mode