Apply predefined folding to a buffer, based on customizable string occurrences. The origami package is used to perform the actual folding. Quick start: Enable the mode origami-predef-global-mode. This will add a find-file-hook that will fold every tagged line. Tag the lines you need to be initialy folded with *autofold*. public void boringMethod(){ // *autofold* foo(); bar(); } Sometimes, the tag can not be placed in the same line you need to be folded. In these cases, *autofold:* will fold the next line. # A very long shell variable with newlines # *autofold:* LOREM=" Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula. Donec posuere augue in quam. Etiam vel tortor sodales tellus ultricies commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean in sem ac leo mollis blandit. ... " The tags can be changed with customize. You can invoke =origami-predef-apply= to reset folding to its initial state, according to tagged lines. It is possible to define initial folding for each major mode using the mode hook and origami-predef-apply-patterns. More information at