Quickstart (require 'pygn-mode) M-x pygn-mode-run-diagnostic Explanation Pygn-mode is a major-mode for viewing and editing chess PGN files. Directly editing PGN files is interesting for programmers who are developing chess engines, or advanced players who are doing deep analysis on games. This mode is not useful for simply playing chess. Bindings No keys are bound by default. Consider (eval-after-load "pygn-mode" (define-key pygn-mode-map (kbd "M-f") 'pygn-mode-next-move) (define-key pygn-mode-map (kbd "M-b") 'pygn-mode-previous-move)) Customization M-x customize-group RET pygn RET See Also http://www.saremba.de/chessgml/standards/pgn/pgn-complete.htm https://github.com/dwcoates/uci-mode Prior Art https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-chess Notes Compatibility and Requirements GNU Emacs 25.1+ Python and the chess library are needed for numerous features such as SVG board images: https://pypi.org/project/chess/ A version of the Python chess library is bundled with this package. Note that the chess library has its own license (GPL3+).