Sourced other themes to get information about font faces for packages. I. Installation A. Manual installation 1. Download the `timu-caribbean-theme.el' file and add it to your `custom-load-path'. 2. In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (load-theme 'timu-caribbean t) B. From Melpa 1. M-x package-instal timu-caribbean-theme.el . 2. In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (load-theme 'timu-caribbean t) C. With use-package In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (use-package timu-caribbean-theme :ensure t :config (load-theme 'timu-caribbean t)) II. Configuration A. Scaling You can now scale some faces (in `org-mode' for now): - `org-document-info' - `org-document-title' - `org-level-1' - `org-level-2' - `org-level-3' More to follow in the future. By default the scaling is turned off. To setup the scaling add the following to your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': 1. Default scaling This will turn on default values of scaling in the theme. (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-document-title t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-document-info t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-1 t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-2 t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-3 t) 2. Custom scaling You can choose your own scaling values as well. The following is a somewhat exaggerated example. (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-document-title 1.8) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-document-info 1.4) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-1 1.8) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-2 1.4) (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-scale-org-level-3 1.2) B. "Intense" colors for `org-mode' To emphasize some elements in `org-mode'. You can set a variable to make some faces more "intense". By default the intense colors are turned off. To turn this on add the following to your =~/.emacs.d/init.el= or =~/.emacs=: (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-org-intense-colors t) C. Border for the `mode-line' You can set a variable to add a border to the `mode-line'. By default the border is turned off. To turn this on add the following to your =~/.emacs.d/init.el= or =~/.emacs=: (customize-set-variable 'timu-caribbean-mode-line-border t) III. Utility functions A. Toggle between intense and non intense colors for `org-mode' M-x timu-caribbean-toggle-org-colors-intensity RET. B. Toggle between borders and no borders for the `mode-line' M-x timu-caribbean-toggle-mode-line-border RET.