A custom and simple mode line for Emacs. I. Installation A. Manual installation 1. Add `timu-line.el' (https://gitlab.com/aimebertrand/timu-line) to your `custom-load-path'. 2. In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (timu-line-mode 1) II. Features The following is displayed in appropriate buffers only: A. Left side - Display hint when a kbd macro is running - Display evil state - Display Tramp host if applicable - Display buffer/file name - Display keybindings for org capture in the capture buffer - Display the vc branch - Display the python venv - Display Mu4e context - Display Elfeed search filter - Display Elfeed article counts B. Right side - Display the major mode - Display Mu4e mail count (works only with `mu' installed) - Display tab number `current:total' - Display column number of the point III. Options A. Faces The following faces can be set to ones liking. Either by the theme or with `set-face-attribute'. - `timu-line-bg-active-face' - `timu-line-bg-inactive-face' - `timu-line-active-face' - `timu-line-inactive-face' - `timu-line-special-face' - `timu-line-fancy-face' - `timu-line-status-face' - `timu-line-modified-face' - `timu-line-read-only-face' B. Control section display You can elect to display some sections or not by using the following variables: - `timu-line-show-vc-branch' - default value is t - `timu-line-show-lsp-indicator' - default value is nil - `timu-line-show-eglot-indicator' - default value is nil - `timu-line-show-python-virtual-env' - default value is t - `timu-line-show-org-capture-keys' - default value is t - `timu-line-show-mu4e-context' - default value is t - `timu-line-show-elfeed-counts' - default value is t - `timu-line-show-evil-state' - default value is nil - `timu-line-show-tramp-host' - default value is nil C. Org capture hints for keybindings The variable `timu-line-org-capture-keys-string' contains the string to show in the mode line as keybindings hint in the org capture buffer. D. Modes for mu4e context `timu-line-mu4e-context-modes' is a custom variable containing a list of major modes in which to display the Mu4e context in the mode line. E. Modes for mu4e context `timu-line-elfeed-modes' controls in which modes the custom Elfeed string is displayed.