If you ever dreamed about creating and switching buffer groups at will in Emacs, Torus is the tool you want. In short, this plugin let you organize your buffers by creating as many buffer groups as you need, add the files you want to it and quickly navigate between : - Buffers of the same group - Buffer groups - Workspaces, ie sets of buffer groups Note that : - A location is a pair (buffer (or filename) . position) - A buffer group, in fact a location group, is called a circle - A set of buffer groups is called a torus (a circle of circles) Original idea by Stefan Kamphausen, see https://www.skamphausen.de/cgi-bin/ska/mtorus See https://github.com/chimay/torus/blob/master/README.org for more details Important note for version 1 users The version 2 of Torus is built using the Duo library of inplace list operations. It means a cleaner code, easier to maintain and extend, but also a drastic change in the data structure. In particular, the format of torus files has changed, so it is recommended to backup your version 1 torus files, just in case something would go wrong with the conversion.