If a tree-sitter grammar is available and installed, use it instead of the corresponding default mode. Conversely, when a tree-sitter grammar is not available and a fallback major mode is available/specified, use it instead. This package also provides a `treesit-auto-install-all' function, which will scan for tree-sitter grammars listed in `treesit-auto-recipe-list' that are not installed or otherwise available on `treesit-extra-load-path'. Automatic installation of grammars when visiting a file is controlled by the `treesit-auto-install' variable, which can be t, nil or `prompt'. When t, opening a file with a compatible tree-sitter mode will clone and install the grammar defined by its recipe, if it isn't already installed. `prompt' will display a yes/no question in the minibuffer and wait for confirmation before attempting the installation.