This file can be used to show sections from the `org-roam-mode' buffer in `universal-sidecar'. This can be done either through manual use of the `universal-sidecar-roam-section' function, or through taking an existing configuration (`org-roam-mode-sections'). To use `universal-sidecar-roam-section', a minimum configuration is: (add-to-list 'universal-sidecar-sections '(universal-sidecar-roam-section org-roam-backlinks-section)) Note, that if you would pass arguments to the normal org-roam section, you may do so after the section name in `universal-sidecar-org-roam-section'. Finally, your sections can be added en-masse with: (setq universal-sidecar-sections (universal-sidecar-roam-convert-roam-sections org-roam-mode-sections)) Additionally, the `universal-sidecar-buffer-id-formatters' variable can have a "node title or buffer name" formatter, using the `universal-sidecar-roam-buffer-name' function.